Thursday, July 30, 2015

Raccoons - adorable little woodland creatures or #$%^# pieces of %*&^?

What a difference a day makes.  I had just checked the corn to see how it was coming along, it was not even close to ready for harvest yet, but apparently that means nothing to hungry bandits.  They destroyed a couple of the neighbors gardens too.  I don't mind sharing but they left absolutely nothing behind.  Off to the farmers market we go....


and the depressing after:

Friday, July 17, 2015

Children of the corn

I wanted photographic evidence that we had corn cobs on the stalks, before the racoons come and eat it all.  They already nabbed one stalk the other night, and have also discovered the hummingbird feeders (dessert I guess).

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

new neighbors?

Bob went to get the mail and found two contractors preparing the lot next door for survey, apparently we are getting new neighbors.  A young family with a little girl from what we hear.  Looking forward to sitting on the porch and watching the construction.  And now that the girls have safety harnesses they can sit outside and watch too.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

One mans weed is another mans wildflower

When your front yard looks like this you can call it a wildlife friendly meadow and you don't have to mow it!