Two weeks of brutally hot weather and the garden took off like a rocket. Just over night two cave man club sized zucchini grew as well as the pickle cucumber crop (phase 1 anyway, still lots of blossoms on those vines!!) Made 2 loaves of zucchini bread, 2 more are on tap for this evening.
Lessons in canning pickles:
1. canning food you grew yourself is fun!!!
2. mandoline slicers are VERY sharp
3. the little handle thingy that you are supposed to use to hold the vegetables is there for a reason
4. my finger that is missing a big chunk hurts a lot (no, there are no finger parts in the pickles)
We planted 4 watermelon plants in the first raised bed that haven't done SQUAT since planting, 6 weeks and they are still 2" high. The rinds and seeds that we tossed in the compost pile however are doing very well. Maybe next year we'll plant the whole garden in the compost pile.